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examples: unpleasantly moistusing pretentious wordsinhabitant of earth

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as equal like contemporary concurrent identical coincide different selfsame even alike together synchronous one meanwhile likewise coincident another compatriot synonymous coeval akin concur conspecific kin fellow collinear level equivalent quadruplet with homophonic ditto verbatim equally twin so same simultaneous coexist contemporaneous agree coplanar uniform parallel suchlike such synchronize consanguineous unchanging flush cognate unison countermarch
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coterminous synonym idem coessential quintuplet unequal at once conterminous consubstantial confocal homogeneous tautophony related commensurable match constant notwithstanding homocentric sameness coincidence coextensive coincidental a coordinate self comparable as much uterine congener congruent duplicate unaltered pair tantamount coeducation remain triplet still and so on full similar regular while homophonous reword boat peer abreast tautozonal changeless coetaneous much AND corresponding identify co concentric under the same roof commensal inconsistent isogenous simultaneously repeat by the same token very german i.q. rhyme mutual once tautosyllabic ensemble kindred as good as connatural after id co- all sister autologous solid in unison concordant about tar coequal syn. matching and so forth sympatric segregate of a piece reorder time repercussion id. neck and neck another one whole above in chorus equal rights word-for-word double in the same boat rival breath ipsilateral monochronic ibid. teammate follow rematch creature of habit omnipresent monotonist schoolmate homologous coextend class lower alongside unchanged equifinal equipotential miliolite selves chrism IQ life-size fleet accumulation brood ilk stagnate in common with coincidentally all at once interfere in tandem consistent also collingual dissimilar twinborn unanimous duo syn- therewith isosmotic coinstantaneous numerical close isochronal = then isoclinal stand second other homorganic syntenic therewithal approximate invariable comprovincial isochronous homonymous exclusive hormone cumulative isotonic ejusdem generis like-minded affinal differ commensurate pace equidistant Allied stand on haunch agreed return symbolize carry on ground level maintain homosexual homogenous term colony difference standardize guild sextuplet co-exist tell me about it! amount to sth follow in the footsteps of chorus fellow-creature litter chant identity constancy as one stable be same-sex equate fixed stablemate co-religionist couple coreligionist housemate homodermic inmate bracket mini connate replay variable kind et cetera tautegorical ceteris paribus face-to-face coexistence uneven cluster agreement downwind amaryllis generation law community regularly identification primogeniture thing purebred discrepancy conjugation townsman shipmate ubiquitous homosexuality countrywoman platoon fraternity collateral par be in good company Camp copy agemate typecast equilateral triangle backtrack dynasty chord commute duchess ead gynaecian kowtow suited phenazone varying ibidem many cosignificative horizontal cospecific conformate concomitantly just IB shovegroat milliped isochimenal hectogramme in the same (or next) breath bad cholesterol phenate tautophonical at grade otherwise as much again single the mixture as before herself tautochronous diedral puh token isocheimic conformal quintuple-ribbed as many syntonic homometrical cophasal isochimene isophenous himself muchness allee samee do likewise good cholesterol consanguinean same difference tautoousious numeric conterminant with one accord consubstantiality by the same (or that or this) token just like/just as/just the same translate massive well equiform whilst be of the same mind equiponderant concolorous follow suit double taxation isomorphic cognation two (or three, four, etc.) of a kind unisonal word for word self-coloured conterminate one and the same atone even as in synchrony with cut from the same cloth unaltering isogenic recognize set commaterial identically two same here coessentiality homo- concurrently unsettled congeneric instantly kinfolk at the same time piece history repeats itself under one roof stay whereas share a common purpose nervous full–scale titular street level full–size bemol people double–crop yoke unrelated high fair chance in kind hom- ever familial nature cognominal equimultiple average continually continue in someone’s presence mimetic perpetual tentmate monodisperse authentic mancando distich kinsfolk isochromatic shave synonymy tableman revaccinate twain isagelous alikewise clash cooperate immutable or whatever be next door to sth sugarless when friendly gulfweed in circles interportal mix consanguineal lineage respective paraphrase painting quality rephrase unsustainable financier intramolecular monovular brace bigamy couplet co-author staid reliable triple fifty-fifty for four-o'clock not in the same league just as prism again synthermal brothers in arms therewhile cookie-cutter unkindred equisonant concolor commeasurable capuchin dyad duet domesticant degenerate countryfolk converge conformable in the interim imitate household included isomerous mate incommensurable twosome suitemate quart in duplicate undiminished two sides of the same coin quand même serial equipollent in common down the street conterraneous cooperative corradial commorient connascent consubstantiate ad idem agnate synchronical all hands beyond comparison jute homoeoteleutic up the street duad allogenic lettuce neighbour repeatable gravitational silo unalterable identical twin synoptic tarry toadflax ritualistic Salic law extra by extension contemporariness connaturalness concreate coexistent carry along sort of heterogeneous homomorphic in triplicate product parity monotonous self-fertilized countervail developmental stride for stride alike-minded littermate intraspecific span permansive seven-up lush brand loyalty full–boled headway lockstep homogeneity inertia that makes two of us homochromous replication standardization wind brotherhood co-existence auto- half brother quin quint isobathythermic complement front loyal species gleek retrial polymeric synchronic paronym season of like mind people like someone/like that a creature of habit anisomeric series great minds think alike be in agreement follow in someone’s footsteps without fail bination impenetrable wash octuplet hold/stand firm go together conterminable chain simulcast incoherent intracompany drifter birds of a feather flock together redisseisin on a par with stand the pace multiple consumer group rivalry hold/stand fast cyclical army be singing from the same hymn book/sheet thereinbefore thereinafter subdivision quad shadow tautometric long-serving extension isoelectronic half sister double-book virtual bat cisatlantic run on life–size down the river plain full-scale longways run mutually year-over-year enclose enatic compresent unified as is/does/has etc someone autonym tautology chain store superordinate filmography double insurance anthology church epipedometry concurrence story multitasking coherence double murder reamputation batch cohesion cony chummage re-election fireweed monogyny typeface prime polyglossia dual diggings vicinal type kinship process guaco interfluve poker young regularity anoa tie dip slope duplication individuate conjugate currency bloc string go someone's way brother correspond Hertfordshire kindness internecine liken in–and–in firm flat rate flatline is monophthong line keep polyneuritis genotype be- androgynal endogamous club sofa cotemporaneous house isagel nonpareil monoousious univocal along with vow-fellow ad infinitum be of one (or a different) mind bevy endogamy friend big concomitant after your own heart doublethink bird gay marry atypical eye level history is repeating itself coreferential double exposure grim isosceles triangle keep up in line/out of line with deluge bittersweet binate coupon consistency miniature continuance equilateral double back batchmate rash refill small sodomy smooth not break your stride homoeroticism ménage Race heterophyllous range relative borrow/take a page from someone's book rhombus distinct sauté sedentary vintage threesome top-selling trigamous trunk call unexcelled rocket respecter keep up with neutrophil monoecious mortgage one–man band outfit pandiagonal of the same mind plough the same furrow rehearing rise above sentence clansman cabin-mate carnal chamber-fellow breed brick multicentric androgynous bam bed formation ritualized marlstone endophora doppelganger ensue parisyllabic watchmate time-honoured congenial congruence contradictory clutch coast industry kidney isocline intermarry cocurrent rest shantung volley variation rediscovery rubber grade endure homeboy disagree intramural choir subsonic polytonality full–blooded blend align assort candyflip beneath amount homotropous homotonous boilerplate diverge discriminate autoecious automimicry counter goofball have something in common (with something) apace with bedfellow kill two birds with one stone in as many days/weeks/games etc doublet conspire convergent one man’s meat is another man’s poison one-man band certificate aftercrop clan coworship extraprovincial affinity scheduled favourite (as) regular as clockwork collocal contrabass conform fellowship conjuncture tautologous interprovincial in parallel kinsman keep pace with equate to sth hold extent in pari materia namesake periodical get someone's wires crossed piggyback multitask monotone overlap instantaneous normal steak suit room-mate sibship serpentine verse variant unblended relation tall repetitive monkey flush metamerism not like that priority pluralize polyfunctional polyonymy reflexive samey to the accompaniment of upper united drugget emulate

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Words For "the same"

As you've probably noticed, words for "the same" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "the same" are: as, equal, like, contemporary, and concurrent. There are 931 other words that are related to or similar to the same listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "the same" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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